Monica Di Costanzo (D)

Stamford Board of Representatives, District 7

Office Administration
No website listed

Smart streets for all types of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians - our streets must be well marked with unobstructed flows and views. Street safety is critical and I will continue to work with the City of Stamford to ensure traffic signals, traffic calming strategies, and traffic and parking enforcement measures are fair and effective. I will continue to push for street drainage improvements, proper crosswalks, and sidewalk improvements, especially on paths to schools and in and around commercial and transit-oriented activities in Glenbrook. Traffic patterns will continue to change and we must all work together to take pressure off of our critical paths in whatever ways possible (leave 10 minutes earlier; walk instead of ride; do not run errands at peak commuting hours; take an alternate street; etc.)
Staying aligned with the Board of Education, Planning Board, and Board of Finance has been a key component of the work I have done on the Board of Representatives Fiscal and Education committees. I have been involved in all Stamford Asset Management budgeting aspects for school assessments and mold remediation and am currently involved with budget allocations which will allow us to continue to repair our school facilities and target plans for replacement of others. I have been an avid supporter of in-house facilities management and a vocal advocate for all boards to ensure there are proper long, medium, and short-range views that can be properly vetted and developed using a combination of new and well-established models. I am confident that the partnerships and relationships I have formed as each school project has been tackled will allow for very effective cross-board communication for project scope and funding plans moving forward.
I would like to use a three-pronged approach for improved constituent communication:
- regular or pop-up in person sessions (i.e. meet on the street sessions) to supplement scheduled neighborhood association meetings
- online tools (possible district website where informational text and videos could be accessed, as well as key links and possible straw-poll surveys for issues)
- e-mail and/or texts for key items of district interest
All three would be structured and utilized in accordance with the will of constituents. The goal is to provide more opportunities for engagement and more informational and educational opportunities for those who want to stay-tuned or participate further in their local government.